This article was written by Hannah Richardson, Effectiveness Business Director at MG OMD.
At MG OMD, Effectiveness is at the heart of everything we do, which is why we’re thrilled to have been awarded the IPA Effectiveness Accreditation in its inaugural year.
In addition to being the most awarded agency in the history of the IPA Effectiveness Awards, receiving this accreditation is a wonderful testament to the brilliant work being produced across our agency.
Our journey in Effectiveness started a decade ago with the creation of MG OMD’s Evidence department. It was designed to encourage a new way of thinking about effectiveness and to bring holistic, evidence-based planning and insight to every point of the planning process. A department that we’re pretty sure was the first of its kind in the industry – HURRAH!
Jump to today and what once was Evidence is now Effectiveness, led by original trailblazer Emma Scoular and her team of 12 – and I’m incredibly proud to be one of them.
Effectiveness is often thought only to focus on marketing analytics and ROI, but we don’t agree. Our approach to effectiveness is to take it in its broadest and most holistic form – providing a clear jumping off point for planning and strategy and allowing us to consolidate learnings from multiple areas and disciplines to drive results for our clients, both big and small. To achieve this, Effectiveness Directors work hand-in-hand with client partners and specialists, holding ourselves accountable to the past whilst also ensuring we are constantly innovating and reaching to the future.
I’ve been really excited to contribute in some small way to the culture of effectiveness that we’ve built at MGOMD, as well as to watch the industry’s focus and understanding of Effectiveness grow in the 5 years since I started, and I look forward to helping MG OMD continue to lead the way in the future.
I can’t wait for a time where it isn’t just 19 agencies awarded for their experience in this area, but instead, it is an expected standard for the whole industry to have achieved.
Congratulations MG OMD!